Money Mastery

Class Details


6 Weeks

Regular Fee*



In English, Spanish option

Class Schedule

See Class Schedule Options below.

Increase your confidence with a deeper understanding of your small business finances.

Looking at business finances in simple and plain terms helps you understand what your numbers mean and builds your confidence in business decision-making. You’ll also examine your money mindset and how to improve it, making tasks like writing a business budget and cash flow projection feel empowering instead of painful.

Ditch the fear of numbers with simple and practical tools.

You don’t have to be an accountant to understand the basics of business finance. With the right guidance, everyone can understand small business financials. This course walks you through the necessary steps to learn the most important concepts in a way that feels accessible and relevant.

Use your business finances to create an actionable plan to move your business forward.

Once you have a better understanding of your business financials, you will be able to create a strategic plan to move forward as a small business owner. By creating both short- and long-term financial goals, you will leave the class with a plan you can feel confident implementing… and sticking to.

Class Schedule Options

During enrollment, you will have the opportunity to select one of the following class schedules to participate in. Class spaces are limited.



*Alternative pricing available – review FAQs for more detail

"To reach your desired financial destination, you need checkpoints along the way to ensure you're headed in the right direction. Money Mastery helps you understand those checkpoints."

Marly Dalmau, Money Mastery Instructor

What people are saying…


Clarity on Tax Payments

Having to create a cash flow statement for myself really helped me understand what estimated tax payments needed to be. I’m happy to have clarity on my tax situation!


Re-Engaged with Finances

Helped to re-engage me in my finances and make more concrete plans to scale up my business and pay attention to my numbers.



I enjoyed the discussions and camaraderie. The biggest benefit was having the cash flow forecast done, understood, and something I can keep and use going forward.